Resumes, the scariest thing about looking for a job besides being denied

Do you find yourself paralyzed by fear when it comes time to writing your resume? You're not alone. For many people, the idea of summarising their work history and skills into a few pages can be daunting.

But don't worry - with a few simple tips, you can write a resume that will make recruiters take notice.

First, take some time to figure out what the recruiter is looking for. 

Most recruiters want to see evidence of your skills and accomplishments, so make sure to highlight these prominently on your resume. Use action verbs to describe your work experience, and make sure to list your achievements rather than just your job duties - Don't just talk about past performance and discuss results. 

Also, be sure to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for, yep that's right, having a "generic" me on paper resume is something recruiters can smell a mile away!

Having your own templates is a great way to start to ensure when responding to job ads that you've applied for will be your best friend as you can respond with your templates and customise them where necessary. 

In addition, the most powerful way to showcase your skills and accomplishments is with quantifiable results. 

How many clients did you sign last year? How much of a raise did you receive? What was the end result of that big project that you worked on? Were there any awards or accolades that resulted from your efforts? How did your scores match against your work colleagues? 

Be sure to put this information in a bullet list format as it will make it easier for the recruiter to digest quickly. If possible, try using numbers instead of words. For example, if you "increased profits by 30 per cent" say "30% increase in profits".

Once you have your resume looking how you want it, remember to always proofread! Nothing screams unprofessional more than typographical errors on your self pitch deck.

BONUS Content!

Let's take a quick moment to understand what it means to write a cover letter...

A cover letter is a letter accompanying your resume when you apply for a job. It is a chance to introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the position. A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of getting hired.

When writing your cover letter, be sure to:

- Address the letter to a specific person (if applicable, otherwise do a decent LinkedIn search)

- Explain why you are interested in the position

- Show off your skills and experience

- Thank the person for their time

Be sure to proofread your letter before sending it!

Now that you know how to write a great resume and cover letter, go out there and get that job! Best of luck! and be sure to sign up for our Focus Talent pool! here

You can expect nothing but professionalism from us at all times, whether it’s in person or over email/phone calls. Our goal is to make sure both parties are happy throughout this process! If there’s anything else we can do for you please don’t hesitate to ask! We look forward to working together soon!

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